The Southeast's premier PHP community

April 2015 Meeting

PRESENTATION: Leveraging the Power of Graph Databases in PHP

Presentation by Jeremy Kendall (@JeremyKendall),

Description: While relational databases sit at the core of most of today’s applications, they are not always the best fit for certain data needs. That’s why when building applications with rich connections, analyzing trends and seeing commonalities within data, developers at places like Cisco, Adobe and Twitter have increasingly turned to graph databases.

In this discussion, we’ll dive into Neo4j, a popular graph database, and demonstrate how to solve complex, connected data problems with a look at examples demonstrating the power, speed and simplicity of using graph databases. We’ll close with a look at some caveats as well as glimpse into the future of graph databases.

About Jeremy: Jeremy is a father, a web developer, a public speaker, an open source contributor, and an amateur photographer. Jeremy has over 10 years of experience as a web dev, primarily in PHP, and has a passion for beautiful code, standards, testing, and graph databases. He currently resides in his hometown of Memphis, TN, and works as the CTO and Lead Developer at Graph Story, the leading graph-as-a-service provider.

Special Night of Double Mini-talks:
“Common performance hotspots in a PHP application” by Harald Zeitlhofer, @hzeitlhofer and

“Symfony3 is Coming” by Ryan Weaver, @weaverryan and

Also, we’ll have giveaways and possible other guests! Don’t miss this one!

When: Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 — 7pm-9pm

Please RSVP at

NEW LOCATION: We are now meeting at Polygon Atlanta in Atlantic Station. See directions at Easiest: park, then take the Green #5 elevator to the 2nd level. Exit the elevator, bear left, and look for Polygon above Moe’s (photo on directions link above).

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